Transform your health.
Transform your life.

Discover the exact steps for healing yourself and loved ones with our proven program that has assisted thousands in their healing journey. Explore an array of tailored courses and services, customized to meet your unique needs and prioritize your well-being.


Your Healing Needs are Complex & Unique

Healing the body can often feel like an uphill battle. The modern day, "one-size-fits-all" approach doesn't work, and complex health issues require more than a band-aid fix. Additionally, it can feel almost impossible to find the right tools and information necessary to understanding the body's health requirements. You're often left with little to no guidance, and you quickly become a victim to the endless cycle of uncertainty and risk. Essentially, seeking answers alone can leave you overwhelmed and back at square one.

Without the proper tools & information, your healing journey is a complete guessing game.

  • ​Conventional Medicine has its merits, but often serves as a temporary band-aid solution, lacking a holistic approach and usually harboring unknown side effects on your body; one step forward, two steps back.
  • ​Western Doctors often overlook the body as a whole and don't have the time or resources to give their patients the comprehensive care they need.
  • ​Strict Diets can not only be exhausting and boring, but without proper data to demonstrate their effects, can be a guessing game and often provide short-term relief at best, and harm to the body at the worst.
  • ​Trial & Error with medicine, doctors and diets are a game of throwing paint at the wall and hoping it sticks... with the risk being your body, finances, health and well-being.


If you're done letting your illness define you and you're ready to take ownership of your healing, then you are in the right place. We have the exact tools and methods that will empower you on your holistic healing journey. We are excited to share them with you and watch, as your health & life truly transform.

Welcome to the

Integrative Healing Academy

Finally, A Fully Personalized Healing Program

The IHA was designed to empower you to take charge of your health and find solace in a safer, more effective healing process. We believe that everything is connected; body, mind and spirit; therefore, we know that the body requires a comprehensive "whole-body" solution, tailored to your unique needs.

Say Hello to the Program that has Healed Thousands

  • ​Learn how to analyze functional medicine labs and design protocols customized to your unique health challenges.
  • ​Decide if you want to just heal yourself and your family or turn your new knowledge into a passionate career!
  • ​Choose which level suites your current needs (broken into 3 levels for easy access and affordability).
  • Start learning from anywhere and at any time since the program is entirely online and self-paced.

How will you work with the IHA?

While the foundational material stays the same across all levels, you can choose to take your new knowledge to the next level by helping others heal!

  Level 1

Heal Yourself, Heal Your Family

  • Benefit: Learn how to heal yourself and your loved ones.
  • ​Courses: Move through the foundational curriculum (9 modules), ranging from nutrition to genetics and more.
  • ​Bonuses: 4 amazing bonuses!

  Level 2

Become a Certified Practitioner

  • Benefit: Use your new knowledge and tools to make a difference healing others.
  • ​Courses: Learn how to work with clients, review case studies, order labs and take the final exam/certification.
  • Bonuses:5 amazing bonuses!

  Level 3

Build & Scale Your Healing Practice

  • Benefit: Start and scale your new holistic healing practice.
  • ​Courses:Business Mastery (including everything from designing your website to generating passive income).
  • Bonuses 2 AMAZING bonuses!

How The IHA Works

Apply for a Strategy Call and we will help you decide which level is best for you to meet your goals

1. Get Started In Level 1

2. Access The Online Portal

3. Learn From Anywhere

4. Begin Healing Yourself

"I saw some amazing results in the first few months, so much so that I would say that I have the felt the best I have in my entire life."

Rebecca, IHA Student

 Level 1

Heal Yourself

In Level 1, you will move through the 9 core modules, learn how to analyze functional medicine labs, design protocols, and move yourself through the Heal Yourself Program.  Level 1 is the foundation you need to move to Level 2 and Level 3. You can also choose to stay at Level 1 if you are just looking to heal yourself or if you simply want to have the knowledge and tools to maintain a healthy household.

Module 1: Welcome to IHA

  • Welcome
  • ​Course Map
  • ​Program Map
  • ​Success Recipe & First Aid Kit
  • ​Body Bank Account

Module 2: Nutrition

  • Survival vs. "Thrival"
  • ​Finding Your Ideal Diet
  • ​Helping Clients Transition To Whole Foods
  • ​The Migrating Motor Complex
  • ​Oxalates and Sulfur
  • ​Supplement Mindset
  • ​​Basic Nutrients with Quick Reference Guide
  • ​​Sequencing, Titration and Sensitivities
  • ​Fasting
  • ​Digestion Science
  • ​Food Journal Template and Creating Nutrition Notes
  • ​Nutrition Notebook

Module 3: Organic Acid Test

  • ​Balancing Neurotransmitters Introduction
  • ​Mitochondria and Basic Cellular Anatomy​
  • Organic Acids Test Overview​
  • Organic Acids Case Studies​

Module 4: Blood Analysis

  • Understanding the Thyroid and Workbook
  • ​Blood Analysis Overview
  • ​Blood Analysis Case Studies
  • ​Blood Analysis Quick Reference Guide

Module 5: Genetics

  • ​​Detox Pathways
  • ​Neurotransmitter Genes
  • ​Detox Genes
  • ​Methylation
  • ​How to Upload Raw Data and Get Reports
  • ​Case Studies
  • ​Gen Quick Reference Guide
  • ​Sulfur Protocol
  • ​Putting the Foundation Together
  • ​Genetics Workbook

Module 6: DUTCH

  • ​Hormones Science
  • ​​Adrenal Patterns and Cortisone
  • ​Circadian Rhythms
  • ​Cycling Female Hormone Analysis and Case Studies
  • ​​Male Hormone Analysis and Case Studies
  • ​Peri and Post Menopausal Analysis and Case Studies
  • ​Dutch Organic Acids Markers
  • ​Hormone Workbook

Module 7: Mock Clients

  • ​Get practice and confidence analyzing tests and designing protocols on everything you learned up to this point with two mock clients.​

Module 8: Detox

  • How, When, Why
  • ​Liver Flush Blueprint
  • ​Coffee Enema Blueprint
  • ​​Intestinal Cleanse Blueprint
  • ​Castor Oil Pack Blueprint

Module 9: Gut & Heavy Metals

  • Heavy Metals and Binders
  • Parawellness - Parasites and Protozoa Protocols
  • ​GI MAP - Bacteria, H. pylori and Yeast
  • ​SIBO Intro and Protocols
  • ​​SIBO Case Studies
  • ​Gut and Metals Workbook​

Unparalleled Support 

Lifetime Facebook Support Group

Lifetime access to The Integrative Healing Academy Facebook Support Group where you can be a member of the community, get help, and connect to other like-minded healers.

Live Q & A's

Weekly 60-minute zoom Q/A's to answer all your questions in a classroom setting.

Order Labs at Wholesale Prices

As an Integrative Healing Academy student, you will gain access to ordering labs for yourself and your immediate family at wholesale cost.

Special Bonuses

We want you to have the best tools in your toolbox so we created these bonuses to help you on your journey

#1 Ultimate Supplement Guide

We created the ultimate supplement guide that lets you search by symptoms and filter by results based on your labs. This saves you time by helping you figure things out quickly, keeps you from wasting money on the wrong supplements, and supports your health journey so you stay on the right track. 

#2 Get to The Root Cause Module

Finding the root cause is a lot harder than it should be. And that's why we created a bonus module called Get to the Root Cause. We match your symptoms with their root causes so you can get instant access to detailed information explaining the root causes and how to address them. This resource is priceless as it saves unnecessary doctor's visits and all those co-pays and prescription fees, not to mention being healthier. 

#3 Natural Remedy Library

  • Bladder and Vaginal Protocol
  • ​Viral Protocol
  • ​Acute Bacterial Protocol
  • ​Lyme Protocol
  • ​Healing From Mold Illness
  • ​So Many More!!!

#4 Mindset Course Access

Mindset and emotional well-being is critical, is a critical part of healing. If you're too stressed, overwhelmed, or don't have the right mindset, it would literally sabotage your health. We created an entire course to help you move through blocks and heal emotional trauma.

Book A Strategy Call to See If You are The Right Fit For The Integrative Healing Academy

At The Integrative Healing Academy we have many options to help you heal.  Not everyone is the right fit to join Level 1.  Some people, especially those with complex health issues do best with personal coaching. 
 Some people prefer a combination of both learning and coaching.  

Sign up for a free strategy call so we can learn more about your health issues and your goals to help get you on the fastest path to health. 

Payment Plan
6 of $199
  • Instant, full access
  • Future updates
  • $997 Architect Website
  • $500 Handmade Titan Theme
  •  $37 Basic Tech Depot
  • $297 Photoshop Kingdom
  • $147 Branding Vault
  • $497 Mailchimp Mastery
  • $500 Renae’s Secret Premium Plugin Bundle
  • $997 Eternal Support
$3,972 6 Monthly Payments of $199

ZERO RISK 7-Day Guarantee!

The course is designed with easy to follow video lessons, live trainings, workbooks, and cheatsheets, broken down into manageable chunks that are easily digestible without any background in science.

However, if you aren’t happy for any reason, we will refund 100% of your money within the first 7 days of course access. This allows you to take a deep look inside and make sure it is right for you. 

The Integrative Healing Academy is going to

Reshape the World of Functional Medicine

"... there's live videos and Facebook group where you can ask any questions. I also love that it's all online so I can work from anywhere and at my own pace."

Raquel, IHA Graduate


Unlike other programs on the market, IHA stands out by providing unparalleled support as you progress through the material. 

Experience the advantage of our Private Facebook Group and weekly Q&A sessions. We are deeply committed to ensuring everyone comprehends the material and obtains the necessary help.

 Level 2

Become A Certified Practitioner

Level 2 is for those who are ready to step into their passion, purpose and make a difference in the world by becoming a certified practitioner. You will learn to work with clients, order labs, create protocols and more! 

Module 1

Working With Clients

This module includes 17 lessons on topics like Guiding Others While Healing Yourself, Dealing with Frustration, Working with Kids and Pregnant Women, How to Order Tests, and much more.

Module 2

Case Studies

​In this section you will run two real life practice clients through the Integrative Healing Program. Move them to a balanced whole food diet, run genetics, organic acids, blood work, Dutch, phase 3 detox and gut testing. Design your protocols and get feedback before sending them to your clients.

Exam and Certification

​When you have finished your case studies you are ready to write the written exam which is designed to help solidify the information you have learned in the course. Upon passing you will receive your Certification as a Integrative Healing Practitioner. 

Ordering Labs for Clients

Once you are certified as an Integrative Healing Practitioner you will be able to order labs for clients and yourself. The Integrative Healing Academy works with multiple labs all around the world.

Level 2 has 4 Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus 1

IHA Advanced

Learn how to analyze and design protocols for advanced functional medicine labs and gain more tools with advanced case studies.

  • Module 1: Advanced Genetics Analysis
  • ​Module 2: Advanced Case Studies
  • ​Module 3: Methylation Panel Analysis
  • ​Module 4: Urinary Amino Acids Test Analysis

Bonus 2

IHA Life Coaching

In this course you will learn how to help your clients move through blocks and reach their goals.

  • Module 1: Creating the Coaching Container
  • ​Module 2: Helping Clients Effect Change
  • ​Module 3: Moving Through Blocks
  • ​Module 4: Navigating Emotions

Bonus 3

Get Listed on The Integrative Healing Academy Website

People looking for a whole-body healing program regularly utilize our database to connect with our highly trained and skilled practitioners. As a graduate of The Integrative Healing Academy there will be no yearly fees to be included in this directory.

Bonus 4

IHA Graduate Facebook Group

Join the IHA Graduate Facebook Group to connect with other grads and get more focused support on working with clients.

"The Integrative Healing Academy has been awesome! I have learned so so much and Sandie is a really great teacher and she's super fun so it doesn't feel like work."

Sandra, IHA Graduate

Level 3

Business Mastery

Level 3 is for those ready to start and scale their Integrative Healing Practice. You'll get The Business Boom Course; a step-by-step program that takes you from starting your business through creating passive income. You must first complete Level 1 before applying for Level 2 or 3.

Business Boom Course

  • Module 1: Welcome
  • ​Module 2: Money Mindset
  • ​Module 3: Creating Your Offer
  • ​Module 4: Website Design
  • ​Module 5: Tools to Get Started
  • ​Module 6: Create Your Content
  • ​Module 7: Grow Your Following

Level 3 Special Bonuses!

Bonus 1

Graduate Masterminds

When you get started in Level 3 you will be assigned to a small group that meets biweekly with Sandie Gascon leading the mastermind. Sandie will answer your questions and provide support and motivation to build your business. Tuition includes one full year of mastermind support.

Bonus 2

Perfectly You Design - Website, Branding, & Logo!!!

($1,500 Value!!!)

When you are certified and ready to launch your Integrative Healing Practitioner Business, Perfectly You Design will be waiting to create your website, design your logo, and customize your branding.

  • Unlimited revisions until satisfied
  • ​12 months of minor site support
  • ​Logo
  • ​Color palette
  • ​Header sized sub logo
  • ​Facebook banner
  • ​Facebook logo
  • ​Address label design
  • ​Business card

Choose the Best Plan for You!

What Makes The Heal Yourself Program Different than Other Programs?

This program is not a one-size-fits-all program. Heal Yourself is unlike any program currently available.

You have probably seen many other natural health courses out there before you landed here. Many of them will focus only on nutrition using restrictive elimination diets.

Most courses will not teach you how to analyze functional medicine lab tests. Those that do often rely on outdated tests and do not follow a comprehensive, personalized healing plan.

The Integrative Healing Academy is the only health coaching program that utilizes genetic testing in conjunction with the most cutting-edge functional lab tests available to give you the most thorough information possible regarding what tools your body needs to heal.

It is the ultimate training course that supports you step-by-step to Heal Yourself naturally.

Hear What Others Are Saying About the Integrative healing academy...

Founders Message...

From healing herself to helping thousands heal, Sandie Gascon and her team are now teaching you how to heal yourself and heal others.

My journey to heal naturally from migraines, depression, interstitial cystitis, acne and many other symptoms was a long one. I made many mistakes along the way and had many painful set backs. It doesn't have to be that way.

After I healed myself, I fine tuned my program working with hundreds of people all around the world. I ran thousands of tests and learned what worked and what didn't for the majority of people.

I created The Heal Yourself Program and wrote my book Heal Yourself ~Body ~Mind~ Spirit~ which outlines my program. It has helped thousands of people all around the world.

Even though it is almost 200 pages I couldn't fit everything into one book. Learning to analyze all the tests, see the different patterns and protocols would take thousands of pages.

If I can help 100 clients a year then 100 people doing exactly what I do could help 10,000 people a year.

I knew I needed to create an in-depth course to share all my knowledge, where I could teach people to do what I do and become certified to do it.

~Sandie Gascon
Integrative Healing Practitioner
Author of Heal Yourself


So, you have questions? Let us try to answer those for you...

      How long do I get access to this? Is it subscription based?
It is a membership course, you have life time access and there will be no extra fees
      With the payment plan do I get access to everything? 
Yes you get access to the entire Integrative Healing Course
      How long does it take to get through the program and how many hours a day will I have to spend on it? 
The course can be completed in 6 months for the go getter. It will take the average person 8-12 months to complete it spending 1-2 hours a day learning.
      How long does it take to go through the course and start seeing results? 
If you are running yourself through the program or when you run your clients through it, most people start seeing results after the foundations tests, approx. 3-4 months.
      If I get in there and don’t like it is cancelling hard? 
It is very easy, just send an email and you will be refunded in a few days as long as it is in the first 30 days
      Can I buy it now and start in 6 months? 
You can start whenever you are ready but I would encourage you to do what you can now, even 30 minutes a day. In 6 months that will add up to a lot
      When would be a good time to invest in this course? 
When you are tired of being stuck in your current story
      When do I get access to the bonuses? 
You get access to all the bonuses right away.
       What other costs are involved doing the course? 
You will need to purchase tests and supplements if you are using yourself as one of the practice clients. In the business course you will need to buy some software but start up should be less than $1000.
      What support does it come with? 
You have access to a private Facebook group dedicated to this course and biweekly live Q&A's.
      How much are course updates? 
Free! They are all included

More Praise for the IHA

I would highly recommend the course because I believe it is one of the most comprehensive integrative health courses out there. Not only does it include learning about the most effective and up-to-date testing, but also teaches you how to run your own business. I have worked with Sandie for almost 2 years, so I am familiar with all the testing which has helped my health greatly. I also love Sandie's work ethic as a health coach, which has spilled over into her Integrative Health Academy. What I like best is that I have the support to help me take on this endeavor, I know I am not alone. The course is very user-friendly, and I can go at my own pace. I am still working and have 4 kids. I really like the live calls because they help clarify info and I learn from others taking the course. Sandie is very hands-on and is always available for help or guidance. Sandie is also always adding new information and providing us w additional resources that will benefit us. The course is very organized, and I like that it also includes a section on how to run a business.

- Kristen Tobin

I LOVE the information. I am loving putting the pieces "of the puzzle" together to get a full picture of what is happening with someone. Even doing the mock clients, I have noticed myself asking, “Oh, I can't wait to get the genetics, so I can see how it matches up/doesn't match up with the Oats results." I love the videos--I can watch, rewind, watch again, take notes, etc. I also appreciate the cheat sheets. I have a binder that I am keeping those in for quick reference. I love Sandie's sense of humor. It is great she infuses that into the videos. If you are looking to find true answers for your healing, and are fed up with mainstream doctors and Band-Aids, this is the course you need. Even if you aren't going to become a practitioner, it will be so beneficial to helping you and your family thrive.

- Kasey Kruer

At first, I was a bit overwhelmed, because the material is challenging. But I'm learning it, and grasping the concepts, so I'm proud of myself for taking this on. The course is very well laid out and organized. The modules are interesting, and I love the support. Sandie is available for questions at any time, and there are regular live meetings. I would happily recommend The Integrative Healing Academy. It is well worth the time, money, and effort. I love the material, and Sandie is an awesome teacher. I love learning new things and following my passions. For the past eight years, since being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, I've tried many things, and I've studied and learned a lot. Sandie's program brings my understanding to a new level. I think with my personal experience and her expertise I'll be better able to help myself, my family, and many other people.

- Sandra Kelberlau

I have been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born over 9 years ago. I rarely do things for me. The Academy has allowed me to not only learn new things and be able to start my own business helping people heal, but it is something that I am doing for myself, that I want to do, that gives me another purpose and motivation other than being a mom. My only slight hesitations were money and possible time commitment. Once I found out the cost, I knew it would be worth it for all the information we would learn. The fact that I would be able to help people heal on my own after completing the course made it a once in a lifetime investment that I couldn't pass up. The go at your own pace was perfect since I'm a busy mom of three kids. I think what is invaluable is the fact that Sandie is there to support us. She holds question and answer calls every other week, she's available for email, and we have a group where we can post any questions. Also, the fact that we have life time access to the course and can rewatch videos whenever we don't understand something or need a refresher. I would definitely recommend the Integrative Healing Academy. For anyone who wants to help themself and others heal and achieve optimal health, I really don't think there is any other course like it. The amount of information that is in the course is amazing! She goes over everything from nutrition, how to analyze test results, case studies, different protocols, how to work with clients, and much more. I have learned an incredible amount of information. I feel like I'm ahead of what most doctors have even been taught.

- Jennifer Keith

I definitely recommend The Integrative Healing academy to anyone who wants to help others get to the root cause of their illness and grow an amazing business! Everything you learn from the course is the best way to help people. Often times people, including myself, work with practitioners who make them feel worse and it’s very costly. This approach is the most gentle and healing on the body. The course is constantly being updated with new info and there are live calls often where Sandie will answer all of our questions. The information you will learn is amazing and Sandie is entertaining and fun, which I really appreciate. She provides cheat sheets and everything you will need along the way. This is the real deal if you are serious about helping others get to the root cause of their illnesses and are looking to escape the 9-5 with a successful business! It was the best decision I ever made. I was hesitant due to the cost. The payment plan really helped. I was so nervous and excited to sign up. I knew I was meant to do this and it’s everything I thought it would be. Since joining I have so much more confidence that I can successfully run my business and help others with ease. The course is so informative and entertaining. I’ve been having fun learning so much information. I’m motivated by fun and the videos are exciting to follow along to. Sandie goes step by step on everything. I’ve learned so much about analyzing tests and supplements and what certain supplements do for the body.

- Caroline Hillen

I would recommend The Integrative Healing Academy! It's very interesting and in-depth and Sandie really knows her stuff! Sandie is a wealth of knowledge! I'm learning a lot and getting this course completed has given me a goal to look forward to. The features I like best are that it is online, I can ask you questions, the live calls, the pdfs I can print out, and the videos. I believe in myself that I will be able to run my own business and make enough money working from home.

- Raquel Tenezaca

Who Is The Integrative Healing Academy For?

IHA is for anyone who wants to heal naturally or for anyone who has passion for holistic health!

  • ​If you are tired of getting nowhere with western medicine and you're ready to feel good and heal your body with natural methods.
  • ​If you have a passion for natural healing but have no science background and no idea how to get started.
  • You have taken other natural healing programs and still have no idea how to put protocols together or grow your business.
  • You are stuck in a life-draining job and want to move to a career that fuels your passion and purpose.
  • ​This program is also for existing "healers" (nurses, doctors, etc.), nutritionists, dietitians, naturopaths, acupuncturists, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga instructors and more!
  • ​This isn't for you if you are looking for quick-fixes or get rich quick schemes.

Choose Health without Compromise

Payment Plans Ensure Your Well-being Comes First


Have Questions? Let us answer those for you... 

      How long do I get access to this? Is it subscription based?
It is a membership course, you have life time access and there will be no extra fees
      With the payment plan do I get access to everything? 
Yes, you get access to the entire Integrative Healing Course
      How long does it take to get through the program and how many hours a day will I have to spend on it? 
The course can be completed in 6 months for the go-getter. It will take the average person 8-12 months to complete, spending 1-2 hours a day learning.
      How long does it take to go through the course and start seeing results? 
If you are running yourself through the program or when you run your clients through it, most people start seeing results after the foundations tests, approx. 3-4 months.
      Can I buy it now and start in 6 months? 
You can start whenever you are ready but we would encourage you to do what you can now, even 30 minutes a day. In 6 months that will add up to a lot.
      When would be a good time to invest in this course? 
When you are tired of being stuck in your current story.
      When do I get access to the bonuses? 
You get access to all the bonuses right away.
       What other costs are involved doing the course? 
You will need to purchase tests and supplements if you are using yourself as one of the practice clients. In the business course you will need to buy some software but start up should be less than $1000.
      What support does it come with? 
You have access to a private Facebook group dedicated to this course and biweekly live Q&A's.
      How much are course updates? 
Free! They are all included.

Still Have Questions??

Click below to book a Strategy Call and our support team can help you out! 

Motivated 2 Heal Inc. and Integrative Healing Academy a Division of Sandie Gascon Enterprises LLC.
Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved
This site is not a part of the YouTube, Google or Facebook website; Google Inc or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way.
FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.

By opting in to this webinar, you consent for Motivated 2 Heal Inc. and Integrative Healing Academy a division of Sandie Gascon Enterprises and its authorized vendors to contact you via email

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING.